Joseph Giles Elementary

First Day of School

First Day of School 2022 
Students can start to arrive at 8:05 each day.  This will be the same time every day. Parents, please park down the street.  DO NOT park in the driveway, or in front of the school.  This is for our buses. 

Primary students and their families can come into the school through the front door and wait in the library.  We will move to the classrooms at about 8:30.

All other students will be able to go straight to their classrooms when they arrive at school using this map. Students are able to enter the school through the front door in the morning.   If a student doesn’t know their homeroom, they can ask one of the staff at the doors. 

Bus students:  Each morning, staff will be meeting the buses and monitor students as they enter the school through the main doors.  Students will proceed to their classrooms.   We will have staff present to direct the students.

At the end of the day: 
Excel students go with the Excel staff
Bus students are monitored as they go onto the bus
External childcare providers pick up students outside
Walking students exit the building by their assigned exits. P-2 parents meet your students.

Bell Times:
8:05 Students arrive
8:25 Start of School
11:25 Lunch starts
12:25 Lunch Ends
2:25 End of day