Joseph Giles Elementary

Family Forecast Jan 23-27

Hello Families,
It’s January but it feels like November/April/March with the  weather.  It makes things awfully hard on the school grounds- lots of mud one day, and snowy days another. A change of clothes for all the kids is REALLY important.
Later in the week we see colder weather coming back.  We are outside until it’s -20 with the windchill.  It’s essential kids dress for the weather.
Over the last 2 weeks we had  Dr Henry Bishop presenting mindfulness (P&1) and then the Rhythm vs Racism  for 1 hour workshops for grade 2-6.  The students loved using African drums in the presentation.
We have had some SERIOUS vandalism on our back field.  A car has been tearing up the field weekly.  If you have any information, please pass it along.  We have contacted the RCMP for assistance.
Have a great week,
Mr. Fry