Joseph Giles Elementary

Family Check in April 30

Hello JGES Families.

We have finished 6 days of online learning.  We have done a whole week together!  I want to thank our staff and families who are making this work.  It isn’t easy for anyone.  We all need to acknowledge that and keep doing the best we can. 

Our attendance has been high for the last week.  We are keeping daily attendance to make sure students are connecting with us and their learning.   We are still having a few bumps with links not working, or figuring our schedules.  Thank you for your patience.

If you need anything, please reach our to us at the office.  Call 902-464-5192 or email and we’ll get back to you quickly.  We still have technology available if your child needs it.  We can put you in touch with our schools plus staff if you need other supports.  I included some advice from our school psychologist Jennifer Martin-Wells.  Please take a few moments to look it over.  

Finally, use your best judgement.  If your child or family needs a break for a morning or afternoon- take it.  Please reach out and let us know.

Have a good restful weekend,
Mr. Fry