Joseph Giles Elementary

JGES Family Forecast Sept 21-24

Hello JGES Families,
If you’ve been watching the weather, we are in for a storm this week. Keep an eye on for updates, or sign up for notifications by clicking here.
We a have a lockdown drill this week.  This is to practice securing the school in  the event of an emergency.  There will be an email letter with more information Tuesday night.   Any questions, call or email. 
Registration forms are coming home Monday for updates.  If you can update your information ( circle or highlight changes), and return ASAP.
When you are dropping off items, or picking up students, please wait outside for a pick up or drop off of a student.  There is a labeled table just inside the door for items to be dropped off.  Please label items.
Our Curriculum night will be different this year.  We are sending out a video from our teachers and parents are welcome to follow up with questions.  The videos will be made this week and should be sent out by October 29th.
Reminders: water bottles are important.  We have 1 water cooler for the students.  A change of clothes is important for all students pre-primary-six.
Let’s have a great week!  Mr. Fry