Joseph Giles Elementary

JGES Family Forecast Feb 12-16

Hello JGES Families,
  How much fun was last week’s snow?  The kids had a blast.  We needed some time to clean up near the back of the school but it was ready by Wednesday am.   We had 2 focuses:  safety on the large banks and no snowballs.  We also had to close some intricate tunnels that were unsafe.
Overall, the students did great.   They truly enjoyed the snow: they were sliding and playing on the large snow drifts.
   I was into some classes seeing activities connected to African Heritage Month.   There were many classes exploring and learning about the African Nova Scotian flag. See the graphic for more information. They have been posted around classrooms. Our daily quiz questions on the announcements are  generating conversation in classrooms. 

Take care everyone,
Mr. Fry